School Board

Our Board Members

Our school is governed by a School Board whose members represent both parents and staff.  The Board meets twice a term, with meeting dates advertised in our newsletters.

Emily Larkins (Presiding Member)

Stacey Kokaua

Alicia Monteith

Michael Lascarides

Nadia Wesley-Smith

Cheryl Agnew (Staff Rep)

Tom Hobbs (Principal)

Board Member Roles

Each Board member is responsible for one primary area, and has at least one secondary role. 

Primary Secondary Also...

Board Secretary Cheryl

Community Engagement The full Board

Cultural Responsiveness Stacey Nadia

Finance/Treasurer Nadia Tom Accountant

Health and Safety Michael Alicia

Property Tom Emily 

Policy and Legal Alicia Stacey

School Curriculum Tom Cheryl 

Responsibilities for Board Roles

Policy and Legal