School Board
Our Board Members
Our school is governed by a School Board whose members represent both parents and staff. The Board meets twice a term, with meeting dates advertised in our newsletters.
Emily Larkins (Presiding Member)
Stacey Kokaua
Alicia Monteith
Michael Lascarides
Nadia Wesley-Smith
Cheryl Agnew (Staff Rep)
Tom Hobbs (Principal)
Board Member Roles
Each Board member is responsible for one primary area, and has at least one secondary role.
Primary Secondary Also...
Board Secretary Cheryl
Community Engagement The full Board
Cultural Responsiveness Stacey Nadia
Finance/Treasurer Nadia Tom Accountant
Health & Safety Michael Alicia
Property Tom Emily
Policy and Legal Alicia Stacey
School Curriculum Tom Cheryl
Responsibilities for Board Roles
Presiding Member
Oversee general performance of the Board.
Ensure all Board Member Roles are being fulfilled by Members.
Ensure all Board Members haves adequate opportunities to have input and share inmake decision makings.
Ensure accurate minutes are kept, approved by The Board, and sign.
Attend and chair, or delegate chairing of, board meetings in accordance with the Standing Orders and Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
Make recommendations to The Board about prudent management of Board matters
Establish and maintain an ongoing working relationship with the Principal. This involves regular meetings in addition to ongoing liaison.
Bring all disputes and conflicts referred to the Presiding Member to the full Board and ensure they are dealt with in accordance with the Board's Policies and Procedures
Act as Protected Disclosure Officer.
Ensure the Principal’s Performance Agreement and Appraisal are completed on an annual basis.
Board Secretary
Community Engagement
Cultural Responsiveness
Review Portobello School Board report (monthly)
Profit and Loss
Balance Sheet
Monitor financial status of school using the Board reports.
Report to the Portobello School Board on the current financial position of the school.
Collaborate with the School Principal in the setting of the annual budget.
Collaborate with the Principle and Board around unbudgeted and/or capital expenditure.
Collaborate with Principle and Presiding Member for term investments.
Health & Safety
Work with the principal to identify property items needing attention.
Ensure any property issues that have a health and safety impact for anyone on/using school grounds are reported to the principal and/or caretaker immediately.
Maintaining oversight of the school’s 5 Year Agreement (5YA - capital funding provided by the Ministry of Education) and 10 Year Property Plan (10YPP), working in consultation with the school’s Ministry of Education Property Advisor.
Action recommendations or resolutions on property from the Portobello School Board (for example, seeking quotes for small-scale projects and repairs, liaising with tradespeople, and so on).
Policy and Legal
Perform regular reviews as per our three-yearly review cycle.
Report to the Board any significant (i.e. content) changes, seeking and incorporating feedback, and finally seeking consensus to ratify.
Prepare draft policy for, and engage in, community consultation.
Collaborate with members of the Policy & Procedures Committee.
Ensure the school website is kept up-to-date with ratified policies, and policies under review or undergoing consultation.
Communicate with the wider school community on Policy changes.