
Portobello School and Community Swimming Pool

Our heated pool opens in term 4 each year.  It is used by all classes for swimming lessons in term one. We also have Swimsation lessons in term 1.  

It is also a community pool with access gained by purchasing a season key from the school office or from the local Portobello Deli. 

Many thanks to members of the Portobello community for supporting pool renovations both financially and with time and expertise.


We have a well stocked library filled with picture books, chapter books, novels, non-fiction texts and magazines.  The library is linked to an e-learning hub that was developed as part of our 2013 building upgrade.

Hui Room

Our Hui Room is used for a variety of purposes, including music, dance, drama and gymnastics lessons for our classes, school assemblies and Parihaumea sessions.  Bi-fold doors open up for a stunning view of Otago Harbour.

Outdoor Spaces

A wide range of outdoor environments are available for sports, games, environmental education, and play.  Our lower field has soccer goals.  There are purpose built play structures - one specifically for younger children and one for older students. The smaller top field also boasts a set of soccer goals.  There are several grass areas, a full-sized asphalt court area, mature trees, two sandpits, and a tree swing for juniors.  One of the outdoor highlights is the one hectare Native Tree Reserve that older students love to explore and play in during break times.